Bills Payment Partners
To receive free service and billing-related advisories via SMS, register to Maynilad Alerts by typing MAYNILAD<space>ON<space>CONTRACT ACCOUNT NUMBER<space>ACCOUNT NAME on your cellphone, and sending to 0919-1626-000. This is subject to a ₱1.00 one-time registration fee.
You may also register your account at My Water Bill portal.
Customers may also use Maynilad’s “Bill on Demand SMS Bill Facility†to receive your current bill immediately via SMS. Just type Maynilad<space>BILL<space>CONTRACT ACCOUNT NUMBER and send it to 0919-1626-000. No registration needed.
Over-the-Counter Payments
Corporate Bills Payment
Requires Enrolment
No Enrolment Required
Online Banking
Requires Enrolment
No Enrolment Required
Phone Banking
- BDO — Payment channel requires enrollment. Dial 86318000
- BPI — Dial 888910000 and follow voice instructions
- Landbank — Dial 84057000 and follow voice instructions
- Metrobank — Dial 88700700 and follow voice instructions
- PNB — Dial 85738888 and follow voice instructions
Requires approval of Automatic Debit Arrangement – ADA Credit Card Enrollment Form
Reminders before paying your water bill:
- Examine your bill carefully upon receipt. If no complaint is made within 60 days of receipt, the bill is considered true and correct.
- Always bring your Statement of Account when paying.
- Check payments should be payable to Maynilad Water Services, Inc. Do not forget to write your Contract Account Number, Account Name, Service Address, and Contact Number at the back of the check.
- Make sure to pay your bills at any Maynilad-accredited payment channels.
- Before leaving the payment counter of our accredited payment facilities, check the details indicated in the payment stub/machine validation to make sure that the correct payment was posted.