Bill Calculator

Bill Calculator

The Maynilad Bill Calculator allows customers to calculate their estimated water bill by typing in the consumption in cubic meters.


Select your rate classification from the dropdown options


Choose whether you are unsewered or sewered customer


Type your water consumption in terms of cubic meters


Select your meter size from the available dropdown options


Select your business area from the available dropdown options

To determine your meter size, check the maintenance service charge in your statement of account and find the corresponding meter size in the table.

Maintenance Service Charge (per connection)

Your Water Bill

Basic Charge ₱ 0.00
Environmental Charge ₱ 0.00
Sewer Charge ₱ 0.00
MSC ₱ 0.00
Government Taxes ₱ 0.00
TOTAL ₱ 0.00

For a definition of the items on your water bill, click here
IMPORTANT: The above computation is only an estimate of your water bill. In case there is a discrepancy between the estimated rate and your water bill, your water bill will take precedence.